Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Fees Common to All Accounts
NSF Items Paid or Returned (per item) | 30.00 |
Dormant Account Fee (Checking and Savings) | 5.00 |
Garnishment/Levy Fee | 35.00 |
Account Balancing/Hour (1 hour min) | 25.00 |
Account Research/Hour (1 hour min) | 15.00 |
Account Research per page fee | 0.75 |
Printout Statement | 5.00 |
CD Rom of Statement-monthly | 5.00 |
Stop Payment Fee | 20.00 |
Sweep Setup Fee | 25.00 |
Instant-Issue Debit Card | 15.00 |
Replacement Debit Card-mailed | 10.00 |
ATM Balance Inquiries-non FNBH ATM | 1.00 |
ATM Cash WD-non FNBH ATM | 1.00 |
Debit Card VISA Foreign Transaction Fees | 1% |
Debit Card email alerts | no chg |
Debit Card text alerts | $10/mo |
Check Cashing Fee (non-customer) | 1.5% - $5 min |
Cashiers Checks | 5.00 |
Money Orders --Maximum Amt $5,000 | 5.00 |
Night Deposit Bag | $10 per bag |
Wires--Outgoing | 15.00 |
Wires--Incoming PUPID | 15.00 |
Wires--International | 75.00 |
Collections--Outgoing | 15.00 |
Collections--Sight Draft | 20.00 |
Collections--Leases | 25.00 |
Collections-International | 15.00 |
Non-Customer Notary | 5.00 |
Gift Card | 5.00 |
Reloadable Gift Card | 3.95 |
Check Printing | Varies |